Beer Headaches: Understanding The Cause Of Post-Drink Pain

headache after one beer

Just like food triggers, alcohol headache triggers are individual, varying from person to person. Tracking your own patterns may allow you to enjoy the party after all. It can be hard to narrow down a single cause of a headache after drinking, and some attacks just happen without a clear cause. Repeated drinking can lead to liver scarring, known as cirrhosis. Certain inflammatory chemicals increase in the blood and affect various natural hormonal pathways.

How to Treat Alcohol-Induced Headaches and Migraines

headache after one beer

However, the type of alcoholic beverage that triggers these headaches is not clear. Genes that play a role in opioid, serotonin, and dopamine systems also influence alcohol sensitivity. These genes may affect the likelihood of experiencing symptoms such as headaches after drinking small amounts. According to research, more than 1.5billion working days are lost due to headaches.

How long will a cocktail headache last?

Drinking alcohol causes several changes in the body’s physiology. Alcohol dilates the blood vessels (at least lower levels of alcohol do), which leads to increased blood flow to the brain. Or you might be fine until after your blood alcohol level returns to normal. This type of headache can happen to anyone, but people with migraines are more likely to get one. It can happen even if you drink less than people who don’t get migraine headaches. Vasodilation may trigger migraine attacks in certain individuals.

headache after one beer


We spied a paper showing that quercetin is a good inhibitor of ALDH. Cluster headaches are a very severe form of headache that happens in cycles, usually followed by headache-free periods. Health Union reaches millions of people through condition-specific online health communities and a Social Health Network of patient leaders across virtually all health conditions. Don’t listen to all the weird, outlandish recipes that are purported to help “cure” a hangover. Ingredients like raw eggs, spices, and the numerous preservatives used in processed or fast foods can make symptoms like nausea and vomiting worse. Your liver is already working overtime to get excess alcohol out of your body.

  • Another factor to consider when talking about this topic is how fast you drink.
  • Ethanol is the primary toxin responsible for why alcohol makes you drunk.
  • Drink lots of water to rehydrate your body and help flush the alcohol from your system.
  • This might also lead to headaches, although not all studies agree on this point.
  • However, grapes exposed to the Sun do produce more quercetin, and many inexpensive red wines are made from grapes that see less sunlight.

headache after one beer

Then, the enzyme ALDH converts the acetaldehyde to acetate, a common and innocuous substance. This second step is slower for people who get flushed skin, since their headache after one beer ALDH is not very efficient. They accumulate acetaldehyde, which is a somewhat toxic compound also linked to hangovers.

headache after one beer


Having another drink may temporarily curb withdrawal symptoms and make you feel better. But unless you intend to keep drinking, the alcohol levels in your body will eventually drop, causing a headache anyway. And, of course, continuing to drink to avoid hangover symptoms can increase your risk of alcohol dependence in the long run. Drinking too much can trigger migraines, and possibly other types of headaches—such as cluster headaches and tension headaches—in people who are already susceptible to these issues. Such headaches can occur while you are drinking, or a few hours after—even if you’ve had as little as one drink. Don’t let a potential beer headache or migraine attack put a damper on your social experiences.

Can I Prevent Headaches When I Drink?

  • Aim to drink plenty of water before, after, and during alcohol consumption.
  • Alcohol seems to trigger both migraine and cluster headaches.
  • This article explains why hangover headaches occur, especially in people with underlying migraine disorders.
  • But there is enough evidence to suggest that alcohol can trigger headaches – even after a single drink.

These are compounds in grain husks that you find in small doses in beer, and they’re also in wine. They can cause beer headaches, but you do have to drink considerably more for them to trigger one since there isn’t a lot in a serving of beer. Sugar and alcohol can create a powerful headache when you combine them. When you consume them, you need a lot of water marijuana addiction to help process them. If you’re not hydrated, your body will pull the water from other areas, including your head.

  • Some people have reported alcohol-triggering tension headaches, but the scientific evidence is less conclusive than with migraine and cluster headaches.
  • One or two drinks with food and water over time might be safe for you, but three or more will produce a hangover headache for many people.
  • Drinking alcohol could create more of a risk factor for tension headaches in some people, but truth be told, people who don’t drink alcohol at all can still get tension headaches.
  • A hangover headache—also called a delayed alcohol-induced headache—usually comes on the morning after drinking the night before, once the alcohol is out of your system.
  • The kidneys increase urination substantially, leading to dehydration.
  • There are some other factors you can look at, too, when you’re trying to figure out if you’re dealing with a hangover headache as opposed to a headache that’s caused by something else.

To treat a headache after drinking beer, it is recommended to drink plenty of water or sports drinks to rehydrate. Taking an over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can also help alleviate the pain. Alcohol has a diuretic effect, causing increased urination and accelerating the loss of fluids from your body. Dehydration can lead to headaches due to the shrinking of brain tissue and reduced blood flow. This kind of headache, also known as a hangover, usually occurs 5-12 hours after consuming beer or any other alcoholic beverage. This is usually similar to any other tension headache or migraine.

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